Summer in a Nutshell
I've been living at home this summer, jobless unfortunately. Here are the highlights of my summer so far...
~Memorial Day Weekend: Me and Christiana went to the lake with my family. It rained most of the weekend. It cleared up right before we left and I was able to give Christiana her first jet ski ride. I managed to flip the jet ski, ruin my cell phone, and almost ruin hers. It was fun. Sorry about that Christiana!
~Lake House: We're building a lake house on Lake Livingston in Cape Royale. I've spent a lot of time shopping for stuff for it. It's almost done after 14 months of sporadic construction.
~July 4th Weekend: Me and Christiana went to the lake with my family again. We convinced Ellen to have her going away/birthday party at the lake. Me, Christiana, Ellen, Travis, Heather, and Jonathan went out on Heather's boat to watch the fireworks all around the lake. It was cool. We then popped fireworks and had a cake for Ellen. We rode the jet ski a lot too (without any mishaps this time). It stormed really, really bad again and made the canopy on the camper collapse in the middle of the night. The weekend was still good, despite the rain.
~Houston: The day before Ellen left for Oxford (the day of the London bombings) Me, Heather, Jonathan, Ellen, and Christiana went to see the Menil Collection in Houston and then ate at Katz's. It was her second going away party.
~Austin: This past Saturday and Sunday me and Christiana went to Austin to meet my new roommate. She seems pretty nice. I showed Christiana around campus and Austin. We decided to eat at El Arroyo (mentioned in Pat Green's 'Carry On'). It was great. Now I know why he sang about it! We also watched the Congress Ave. Bridge bats and went to the top of the UT tower.
~Last, but not least, all this happened while I was taking Calculus 2 at Montgomery. I now only have 6 days left (but also 2 tests). I realized the other day that these two calculus classes have been conciously weighing on my mind since I was a junior in high school. I'll be incredibly glad when they are over.
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