The daily journal of a student at The University of Texas at Austin.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One Step Closer

I took the GMAT on Monday. My unofficial score is 600 (out of 800) and all I needed was a 456 to get into Sam. I'm not sure whether or not my official score could be lower, but I doubt it would go down that much. It's a relief to be done with that test, although now I know I could have done so much better. I barely studied and did fairly well. Oh well. It's over and I'm in. Now I just have to finish this last semester. I'm only worried about Finance. My other classes will be easy upper-division management classes. I graduate on December 10 at 10 am in the Erwin Center. I'm counting down to that day! It's just so weird that I will have a degree, but still be in school. Anyway, that's all for now.


Blogger postpartumeuphoria said...

well, you should start being concerned when you don't have to push yourself. I'm not a big believer in going to easy way, because where's the growth in that? it's all do this, do that, get out. Where's the real, push yourself for all your worth college try? I just feel like you should be aspiring to go where you couldn't before with yourself, and go to a school that requires at least a 650 or something. Don't get me wrong, congrats on the 600...but i don't like you playing it this safe. It's like the next thing you know you're going to marry some john smith, and call it a day.

5:01 AM


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